Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update on Novel and Articles

The article writing finally slowed down, for which I can only say, thank goodness! The last couple of weeks have seen much writing on my book, and the results show it. I hit 23,000 words yesterday, when just a couple of weeks ago, I was at 11,000. It's been great to work on Everett and all that is happening to him! I love it.

I also mailed the synopsis and first 10 pages to Catherine Onder at Harper Collins and Lisa Cheng at McElderry last Friday. They were the two agents at Indiana's SCBWI Conference in May, and November was the deadline to submit to them.

The articles are starting up again. I had an interview Sunday by phone with a very interesting Coast Guard airman in Alaska, have an interview tomorrow at the Vanderburgh Humane Society, and have one Thursday at Mt. Vernon General Baptist Church! As always, my subjects run the gamut. My regular Westside readers have been noticing that I haven't had any articles in the last couple of weeks. Several people have mentioned it to me, which is nice.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Horses and kids with disabilities, American Idol and cake, and fun places to visit in Evansville...just my latest articles!!

Friday and Saturday saw the publication of my latest three articles. I had the cover story and an inside article for the Halloween edition of the Westside Courier, and I had my first cover story for Evansville Parent on Saturday. All turned out well, if I do say so, and those involved all seem pleased with the results. October was a super-busy month for articles, and November is beginning similarly. Last week, I was assigned two more for the Westside and one more for Evansville Parent!

Meanwhile, I spent last week very happily working on my own stuff for a change. I wrote over 4,000 words on my book, and I hope to work in more this week in between interviews!