Friday, October 10, 2008

Westside Cover - Evansville Half Marathon

Today's (October 10) Westside Courier has two articles from me--the cover story and an inside article, both on running. I have ended up interviewing lots of runners for various articles, and that has been fun and educational for me (as a very novice runner).

The Evansville Half Marathon article was a fun one to do. It was one of the most time-consuming I have ever done because of the amount of people I had to interview. That meant hours of listening to recorded interviews. I also had to go take pictures a couple of different times, which also added up to several hours. I am pleased with how the article turned out, though, and glad the Westside used pictures of all the people I interviewed. Once I turn the pictures in, I have no control over which ones they use. I think the pics looked very nice on this one. I have already heard from one of my interviews (Mary Devine) to tell me how pleased everyone was. She said that Kathy Yearwood had a copy last night at practice last night and was passing it around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Christi! Just now got around to checking out your blog. I know what you mean when you say you'd rather be doing something other than what you "HAVE" to. I just got back from a spinning (fiber) workshop in Michigan and am chomping at the bit to take everything I learned and do something with it! More ideas than I have time! Sigh...

I do have a job - the transfer to Burkhardt Rd. Starbucks went through, so if you're ever over on that side of town stop by and say hi! I'm already working 30+ hours this week!
